When I went to Florida in April, I was mesmerized by the white sands and the abundance of seashells. I literally brought back 10 lbs of sand and shells. I wanted a way to display some of the prettiest ones I found. I went to Michael's and got a box of do-it-yourself glass ornaments. I choose the cube shape because I wanted a shape other than the traditional ball. As you can see, I filled the ornament with sand and my shells. Because the trip was for our 1 year wedding anniversary, I decided to include one of the "love" charms from the champagne glasses at our wedding. I took some ribbon scraps, also left over from the wedding and hot glued it to the top. The words are just written with a fine point sharpie. Presto, a memorable Christmas ornament!
Well I finally finished a project I have been working on for about a year. Sometime last year Jim and I went to Michael's craft store. For some reason we were in the latch-hook rug section. Jim saw this rug kit and told me I should get it. I thought about it, but decided not to. It was $20.00 bucks and I wasn't sure I would have the patience to finish it. I tried doing latch-hook when I was a kid and I just couldn't get into it. Time passed and every time I went to Michael's I would think about this rug and how cute it was. Finally I had a 40% off coupon and I decided I would give it a whirl. To my surprise, I found that I now enjoyed doing latch-hook. It gave me something to do while I was watching my Netflix. I actually finished the yarn part of it in July, but I finished putting the binding on it yesterday. I know latch-hook is totally "old lady" but I reminds me of Rusty and Marty and I think it's cute.