Thursday, March 13, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
Ten Amazing, but true facts about Morgan
1) If I was on Death Row, my final meal would be a brick of cheddar cheese, Ritz crackers, and an assortment of cold cuts.
2) Sexuality fascinates me! I would love to be the next Dr. Ruth.
3) The event that made the greatest impact in my life was when my sister invited me to stay with her for a month one summer.
4) I often do things to make other people happy.
5) I wish I was rich so I could give away my money.
6) I want to go to Africa and do humanitarian work.
7) 99% of the time I dislike the human race.
8) I absolutely love shopping for swimsuits. I currently have 6!
9) I can make something out of anything.
10) I don't know how I will face life without my parents if they die before me.
So there you go! I tried to put things that I thought no one knew. I guess now I am suppose to tag other people. I won't be doing that, because the only people I know with blogs have already been tagged.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Give Me a Marathon Anyday!

Our neighbors have a dog, and even though I love her dearly, she has destroyed our yard. So a new fence needed to be built pronto! One thing I miss about renting, is that I now have to fix something if it breaks. Neither Jim nor I have ever built a fence, but thankfully Jim's step dad lives close by and is more than willing to lend a helping hand. On Saturday we bought all of the supplies.
Sunday was the day of hard labor. Let me tell you, I have never worked so hard in my life! I thought building our patio was the worst. Getting this fence started takes the cake! Give me a marathon any day. At least you know the pain will be over in four hours.
First we had to rip down the old fence.
Next came the worst part. We had to dig up the old concrete and posts. That was pure torture! We all took turns breaking the concrete with a sledgehammer and digging it up with this long, extremely heavy pole with a point at the end.
By the time we got all of the concrete up, I could barely lift my arms. The next part was easier. We had to mix the new concrete and put the posts up.

Once we got all of the posts set, there was nothing more we could do for the day...Thank God! The next part will be to put up the 2x4's and start screwing on the pickets. That will take place this weekend. Too bad I have to work all weekend : )
P.S. I am still sore!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
A World of Miniatures

So that is all I have made so far. There will be plenty more to come. Hope you like it.