Sunday, May 31, 2009
Garden Update
Monday, May 25, 2009
Review: Malice

Well this makes book number eight. All in all not too shabby for two months worth of reading. After reading this book I realized there are actually other writers out there, besides James Patterson, who write a mean thriller. In fact there are writer's out there who actually write them better! This is one such writer. Malice was about a man whose wife died twelve years prior. He is now seeing her in weird places. He even receives recent photographs of his wife and a copy of her death certificate with a big red question mark drawn on it. He is then lured back to Los Angeles to try and make sense of everything that is going on. In attempts to learn more about his dead wife, he begins talking to some of her close friends; however, one by one someone is murdering them.
All in all I great book. I took it camping and couldn't put it down. One thing I liked about the story is that it was slow moving, but not so slow that you lost interest. It was slow enough to make you want more. It was kind of like Lost. you would find out one or two things, but then three or four new things would pop up. I would rate it a very enjoyable read.
For my next choice, I picked Drood, by Dan Simmons. This one is going to be a challenge. It is nearly 800 pages. It is a historical mystery about the last five years of Charles Dicken's life. So far I have only read 35 pages, but I am enjoying it. So it might be a few days before I post another book review.
Review: Dead Lucky

As I read, I keep thinking what would make a person want to climb this mountain? It takes about two months to do so and costs over $25,000. The permit alone is $10,000. Plus the risk factors are through the roof. I think I'll just stick to running.
With a little less than a month to go in the reading challenge, I feel like reading another thriller, so I am going to go with Malice, by Lisa Jackson. She's a best selling author that I have never read and the story looks interesting. We will see.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
To Save a Mockingbird

The official diagnosis was a broken wing and a large puncture wound to his chest. The bird doctor set the wing and pumped the bird full of antibiotics. She really didn't think he was going to make it. Well my dad called me yesterday with great news. The bird survived! He is able to fly and everything. Over the past few months the doctor had gotten other young mockingbirds and put them all together so they could be a family. So all of them were being released in Folsom today. I'm so happy!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A New Do
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Certain Girls: The Review

For my seventh book, I chose a biography. It's called "Dead Lucky: Life After Death on Mount Everest." Written by Lincoln Hall, it is his account of climbing Mount Everest. The book jacket describes it as "A gripping , almost unbelievable story of survival." I figure you can't go wrong with that...right?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
False Memory: A Smoking Review

I'm not really going to say much as to what the book is about for fear of spoiling something. When I first picked it up and started reading, I was like this book is alright, nothing was really grabbing me. But then it just took off and I couldn't put it down. I've been reading about three hours a day for the past two days just to finish it. Now I admit, it's not a super realistic story, but hey it was realistic enough. Need a big book to pass time on a flight? Take this one!
Since my past three books were thrillers for the most part, I went to the library today and picked out three new selections. My next read will be "Certain Girls," by Jennifer Weiner. I didn't know this at the time, but she wrote the book "In Her Shoes" which was made into a movie staring Cameron Diaz. Hopefully this will be a nice change of pace.