Sunday, September 30, 2007
One Month Down...Two to Go!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Marty...A Saga Continued

A Frame From the Sea

Monday, September 24, 2007
A Marty Update
P.S. The other boys in my life are doing well too. Football got a little boring yesterday I guess.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Tribute to James

Yesterday Jim and I celebrated our 1 year and 5 months anniversary. Dopey, I know, but oh well. In recongnition of this date, I decided to give you a deeper look into the man we all know as James. One could say he is a bit of a mystery. He never seems to talk and you can't be sure what he his thinking. In general no onew really knows much about him. So here is a list of 25 things about Jim. Hopefully it will shed a little light and you will be able to get to know him the way I do. Here we go:
1) He does the laundry every week without being asked. Since we have lived together, I have probably done maybe 5 loads at the most, and usually that was because he was out of town.
2) He can cook the best roast. It's always tender and juicy. I'm not sure how he does it, but he is fantastic at it.
3) He loves time travel movies. Back to the Future, Planet of the Apes, and Mysterious Island are some of his favorites.
4) He really can Name that Tune in one note!
5) He treats his wardrobe as if it were a baseball team.
6) He used to represent the Green Party at Town Hall meetings.
7) Yes, he does talk to me on a regular basis.
8) He doesn't really like sweets that much.
9) He adores Starwberry and Chocolate Chip ice cream.
10) He will sit and study a Map for hours at a time.
11) He will read a travel book cover to cover the way I would read a novel.
12) Dates! Oh my gosh! He can remember every date of everything he has ever done. It is incredible.
13) He has worked for Progressive insurance since he was 18. He is now 29.

14) History has always fascinated him.
15) Who needs a newspaper, Jim is always up-to-date on all current events. You can ask him about the war in Iraq, or the last on Lindsay Lohan and he will know the answer.
16) He prefers not to use my name when he talks to me. Instead I am refered to as "cupcake soup" or "Mother Crumpett." I'm really not sure where he gets some of these.
17) A great deal of his vocabulary is made up from "Seinfeld" and "Leave it to Beaver".
18) He channel surfs way too much.
19) When he was a kid, he was an all-star pitcher in Little League.
20) He has quite the temper. It usually comes as fast as it goes.
21) He once threaten to kill the guy taking his bet at a Tahoe casino. Apparently the guy enetered it in wrong. When Jim told him, the guy refused to change it. In the end it got changed, and thankfully Jim did not wind up in jail.
22) His laugh is contagious.
23) He gets along great with my mom and dad.
24) He is way smarted than I am.
25) He would have no problem staying home with the kids while I worked.

So there you have it. Twenty-five things you may not have known about Jim. So hopefully the next time you see him you will feel like you know him just a little bit better.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Pets and Their Problems

With syringes full of food and Marty wrapped in a pillow case, I'm ready to feed him. It's a messy process and I can't seem to get the smell of the food out of my nose. I can only imagine how poor Marty feels about it. The purpose of the force feeding is to get enough nourishment in him so that his body will stop converting the fat to energy. Once this happens, he will most likely go back to eating on his own. The chemicals his liver is currently releasing, due to not eating, makes him nauseous, therefore he doesn't want to eat. It is a vicious cycle.
When I went to feed him at lunch, it did not go so well. After a few minutes, he regergetated everything I had fed him this morning. Not knowing what to do I called the vet. The receptionist told me the doctor would call me back in a few minutes to discuss the situation and to talk about some of the lab results of Marty's blood work. I knew that wasn't a good sign. When he called back, he informed me that Marty may have FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis,, a fatal disease that occurs in cats under three years of age. It is a very difficult disease to diagnosis because it often mimics other diseases. While Marty has several of its symptoms, he also has all of the symptoms of Feline Hepatic Lipidosis. The scary part is that Jim's mom had to put down her kitten less than a year ago due to FIP. We got Marty, and her kitten on the same day from the same shelter. At this point I am not sure what to think. I remain hopeful that Marty will be fine. He has been battling this for about a month. If he did have FIP, I think he would be at his ending point by now. But at the same time I do have to accept the possibility that we might lose him. I never thought this was something we might have to deal with at this point in his life. He is only a year and a half old. A mere baby. So send happy thoughts to him. He sure does need them. Below is a picture of Marty's brother, Rusty, checking up on him. Rusty and Marty have been best friends from the beginning. Rusty always makes sure Marty is looking his best. Most mornings you will find them lying in my bed snuggled together. Rusty usually cleans himself and then his brother. I've always said that Marty has the cleanest ears and butt because of his brother.