Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Frame From the Sea

When Jim and I went camping at the beginning of the month we went to a place called Glass Beach. It's in Fort Bragg. The beach use to be a landfill, or somthing like that. As a result, the entire beach is covered with sea glass. It was the neatest place. I spent about an hour gathering as much glass as I could in a ziploc bag. I brought it home with the intention of making a frame. I would then place a picture for our trip in it. Tonight I finished it. I was really happy with it. The colors are a bit limited, but I still like the overall effect.
The base of the frame is clear and then I accented it with the colored glass. I got the frame at the dollar store and used a hot glue gun to glue on the glass. This is the picture I'm going to put in it.


Holly West said...

It's real purty!

Anonymous said...

Very cute. You totally should have your own tv show Morgan. "Cheap Crafty Chick".