While I worked on the other side of the garden, Jim went to work on the planter boxes. Jim and his step dad made them a few years ago and they have held up very well. This is the third year we have been using them. Here you can see Jim working hard at mixing his soil concoction.

This year we got six pepper plants, five tomatoes, two cucumbers, onions, and corn. Normally we get a zucchini or two but we decided against it this year. We always seem to have problems with them. The plants start out great, we get four or five fruits, and then for no reason they die. I think it is a pollination issue. Last year we tried pollinating them ourselves by using q-tips, but that just got to be a pain. So this year we stuck with the plants we knew worked. The only new things we are trying are corn and onions.
In addition to the planter boxes, we have two sections of land on the other side of the lawn that we use for the cucumbers, tomato overflow and whatever else we want. 

Here is a list of the type of plants we got
Tomatoes: Early Girl, Abraham Lincoln, Fantastic, Black Cherry, and Snow White
Cucumbers: Lemon and Diva
Peppers: Early Jalapeno, Jimmy Nardello, Giant Aconcagua, Cherry Bomb, Tabasco, & Serrano
Corn: Silver Queen Onions: Sweet Walla Walla
I have high hopes for this years crop. If everything produces, I will have all the ingredients I need to make my favorite salsa all summer long. Oh an I almost forgot, we also got two types of lettuce: Giant Red and Jericho. So here's to gardens everywhere!
I'm so jelz of peeps that have room for actual gardens.
It all looks really beautiful. You have your mom's green thumb! It helps that your husband is out there with you. -sigh-
I hope you have wonderful luck with all the yummy produce. I had the same pollination issue with pumpkins before. Maybe try plating some bee/butterfly attracting flowers between them if you do it again?
We can't seem to grow anything like pumpkins, squash, watermelon, etc. That's a good idea about planting the flowers. Maybe we will try that next year if we decide to try squash again.
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