I finally finished book number 2 of my Spring Reading Challenge. It was fantastic! I'm sorry that it has come to an end. This book was originally chosen entirely because of its cover. When I picked it out I didn't even read the inside to see what it was about. It did take me awhile to read because there was a lot going on with names, places, etc. The author also had a huge vocabulary and used a lot of ethnic terms, so I was always flipping back and forth between the glossary and the cast of characters. The book is a historical novel set in Germany during the late 1600's. The main character, Ruth, is a Jewish midwife who goes on trial for heresy. When a Detlef von Tennen, canon and cousin to the archbishop, suspects that something other than religion is driving the prosecution, Detlef is determined to ensure that justice is done. After he joins the investigation, he finds that he is falling for Ruth. Overall this is a love story set during a not so great period of history. The writing just flows along, and even the subject matter that is hard to stomach doesn't seem so bad. Jim kept calling the book "Rochelle, Rochelle an erotic tale of a girl from Milan to Minsk," after he saw the author had a book of erotic tales published before this one. There are some romantic moments but I wouldn't call it an erotic tale be any means. All in all I give it 2 enthusiastic thumbs up! She has another book called Soul that I want to read too.
My next book is under the category of: A Scientific Thriller
It's called The Blood Artists, by Chuck Hogan. I'm not sure how I stumbled across this book at the library. I'm guessing the title stood out to me. So far I'm enjoying it. I think it will be a fast read and I like the fact I understand the medical terminology that comes up. It makes me feel smart, if only for a moment.
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