The Spring reading challenge is coming to a close. Saturday is the last day. I finished my ninth book a few days ago. "Drood," by Dan Simmons, was one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It was a historical mystery about the last five years of Charles Dickens; however, it is not written from his perspective. It is written from the view of his real-life collaborator and friend, Wilkie Collins and really, I would say the book is more about Wilkie's life. I'm not quite sure how to talk about this book. Even though it was a slow paced book, I was still intrigued to continue on. Well reading, I often found myself getting on Wikipedia to look up facts from the book. Wilkie Collins was an author too, and makes reference to his novels and plays in "Drood." One of his more popular stories was "The Moonstone." I want to read this if I can find it at the library. I'm sorry that this isn't the best review, it's just so hard to describe it. I would recommend it though. Don't be scared by it's length (771 pages). It was wroth the time.
I going to try and finish one more book before Saturday if I can. It is a biography about Robert E. Lee. Jim got me interested in him while we were on our vacation. I was lucky enough to go in his home when we visited Arlington Cemetery a few weeks ago and he seemed like an intriguing individual. Once I finish that book, I am going to read a biography on Abraham Lincoln. I'm really into history right now. I hope to find a book on Thomas Jefferson so I can learn more about him.
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