Book number four is completed. Not bad for six weeks into the reading challenge.
The Last Templar is Raymond Khoury's first novel. I choose this book because I was intrigued by the subject of the Knight Templars when I read The
Davinci Code. It takes place in present day New York, but it does have flashbacks to the late 1200's and the fall of the Templars. Tess, an archaeologist, and Reilly, an FBI agent, begin their journey after and violent robbery of Vatican treasures at the Met. I'm not going to say much more because I don't want to give away any secrets. I will say I was a little disappointed by the ending. I was expecting more and it got to a point where it was no longer believable. It was still a good read and I would try another one of his books. As I was searching for a picture on Amazon, I discovered the movie is coming out on DVD on May 5. I'll add it to my Netflix. I'm not expecting much from it though. I learned that lesson when I watched
The Davinci Code. My next book choice is from a well known author I have never read:
False Memory by Dean Koontz. My friend recommended this book and I read the first chapter. It seems intriguing. It will be the longest book I have read thus far, but I still think it will go by pretty fast.