To my knowledge she doesn't usually leave our backyard and she will defend her space when another neighborhood cat ventures in. This afternoon I was looking at our garden when I noticed there was a ton of cat lying on the grass. There where huge clumps everywhere. I'm assuming it belongs to Cali because she is the only long haired cat that comes around. Jim and I looked all over the backyard, front yard, and alley trying to find her. So far we have not had any luck. I hope she is okay. My fear is that she is hurt somewhere and can't move. I saw two of the other cats who tend to come around and neither one of them looked like they had been in a fight. So who knows, I just hope she comes around soon, or if she is hurt, that I find her.
"when I noticed there was a ton of cat lying on the grass." I hope you mean cat FUR and not pieces of cat. At least that's what I assume.
This happened to us once in Morgan Hill with Joey (before we caved, took him to the vet, and he became a house cat.) He turned up just fine in about a week. I hope she's ok! Let us know if you find her.
Yes, I meant cat fur. And we did find her. She seemed to be okay. There was a little cut on her lip and she was shaken, but no major injuries so taht was good.
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